So, with the end of 2011 more or less upon us, I thought I’d try my hand at a Best Films Of The Year article. It’s been an odd, but compelling year in cinema, with films coming out of nowhere to knock our socks off while highly-anticipated efforts have failed to capture audiences’ imaginations. We’ve had new efforts from Terrence Malick, the Coens, Martin Scorsese and Danny Boyle, while European directors such as Nicolas Winding Refn and Tomas Alfredson have broken into the mainstream. There have also been career-best performances from such acting luminaries as Gary Oldman, Ryan Gosling, Kirsten Dunst and Natalie Portman.

With honourable mentions for 127 Hours, True Grit, Submarine, Tracker, Route Irish, Super 8, We Need To Talk About Kevin and (shock horror that it’s been omitted) The King’s Speech, this is my list of 2011’s top 10 films:
10. The Tree Of Life. The film that divided critics and audiences alike. Is Terrence Malick’s meditation on family, love and nature deep and profound or pompous rubbish? The fact that the film appears to be at least partly autobiographic is to its credit, as is the way it has been developed and filmed in defiance of the demands and constraints of Hollywood. Whichever way you look at it, it’s a hell of a discussion topic.
9. Wuthering Heights. There have been so many adaptations of Emily Bronte’s epic novel that radical changes had to be made for this new version. Fortunately, Andrea Arnold had the balls to do so, and while her handheld camera style and sparse dialogue may not be to the tastes of the period drama purists, she certainly gives future projects another take to consider. Fresh and raw, her Wuthering Heights is not for the faint-hearted, but is rewarding for those prepared to give it a chance.
8. Barney’s Version. In the same way that 2011 might be called the Year Of The Gosling, this particular type of film might come to be labelled as the Paul Giamatti Genre. Arty, smart, witty, gritty, literate and touching, this is Giamatti’s finest performance. Barney Ponofsky is a television producer whose life and loves are spanned over forty or so years – while the plot and time-frame is large and rambling, it just about hangs together to produce another hell of a sleeper hit. Dustin Hoffman is a particular delight as Barney’s father.
7. The Fighter. Possibly the best sports film since Raging Bull? Certainly the best boxing film since Raging Bull. What is about boxing that makes it such a compelling cinematic topic? Maybe the fact that most boxers appear to be massive pricks – certainly the character of Dicky Eklund helps to bear that theory out. Christian Bale is electric in that role, while Mark Wahlberg must be gutted that everyone except him won awards for the film that was his passion.
6. Never Let Me Go. This devastating film was largely overlooked by more or less everyone, which it didn’t deserve. Based on Kazuo Ishiguro’s novel set in an alternative England, Never Let Me Go elicits the best work to date from Carey Mulligan and Andrew Garfield, ably supported by Keira Knightley. Heartbreakingly elegiac from the beginning, this is a very...English film.
5. Black Swan. If you’re in the mood for a massive head-fuck, this is the film for you. While playing the title roles in Swan Lake, ballerina Nina (Natalie Portman in a deservedly Oscar-winning performance) experiences something of an identity crisis which is exacerbated by the influence of fellow dancer Lily. With so many clues to discover and things to notice, this is a film that only gets better with every viewing.
4. Drive. It’s probably fair to say that this was cinema’s biggest unexpected surprise, and is the main reason why 2011 may in future be known as the Year Of The Gosling. The pulsing electro soundtrack sounds like it should be at odds with the driving sequences, but instead it helps to perfectly illustrate the isolation of the Driver, while the sequences of extraordinarily bloody violence punctuate the film like lightning.
3. Hugo. The first ever Martin Scorsese film for kids and the first ever Martin Scorsese film to be shot in 3D. While the merits of 3D remain unconvincing even in his talented hands, this story of a boy who winds the clocks in a Parisian train station and is thrown into the world of early film provides a shot of charm and magic to warm even the most cynical and jaded filmgoer.
2. 50/50. The surprise of the year. A bromance about comedy could have been a cliché-ridden embarrassment, but Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Seth Rogen’s natural chemistry made this tale of two friends trying to deal with one’s sudden cancer diagnosis both hysterically funny and desperately sad in equal measure.
1. Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. One of the most anticipated films of the year, and it didn’t disappoint. Supposedly our American cousins didn’t “get” it, which will hurt it during awards season, but a Swedish director making his first English-language film had no such problems. Led by Gary Oldman as George Smiley, the superb cast helped to ensure that this stylish, claustrophobic, stiff-upper-lip take on John le Carre’s masterpiece was the best film of the year.