For a time, it looked as though this new version of Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights would not be made. The project bounced from director to director with actors and actresses as varied as Natalie Portman (wrong nationality), Michael Fassbender (interesting), Gemma Arterton and (shudder) Gossip Girl’s Ed Westwick attached at different points to play Cathy and Heathcliff. Eventually the film found its way into the hands of Andrea Arnold, and received the most radical stripping-down a period film has ever received, which is impressive given the amount of corsets that have collectively been ripped off throughout the genre’s history. This is a hard, visceral world with all romance or pretence of it buried beneath an obscene volley of “niggers”, “fucks and “cunts”.

With so many unremarkable costume adaptations of the novel in existence, a change of direction and style was clearly needed. Arnold has merged the grit and handheld camera approach of her first two films, Red Road and Fish Tank, with the sense of wonder at the natural world always so prevalent in the films of Terrence Malick. The shaky framing as we follow the two tearaways fleeing Heathcliff’s baptism leaves us as breathless as if we had run with them, and generates a shockingly intimate atmosphere as we watch their relationship build. However, while the focus on the moors and its assorted wildlife provides a relatively peaceful counterpoint to the human drama engulfing the two families, it was overused – no film with such rich dialogue in the source material needs six establishing shots of diving falcons and waving grass before every scene.

Although this adaptation is by no means perfect (especially the ending, which leaves the characters of Heathcliff, Hindley and Isabella unresolved), there is ultimately enough new perspective here for any subsequent director to try and perfect this unfilmable, tempestuous novel once and for all.